5 research outputs found


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    As one of the massive disaster mostly happen in East Kalimantan, flood is caused by many factors. And one of the cause that significantly contributes that disaster is forest destruction or deforestation. Nowadays, forest destruction has become a serious threat to forest ecosystems in Indonesia. Government, business industries, and society still treat environment as a free commodity. The exploitation of nature resources and environment also hasn’t been done wisely, it is maximally exploited without considering the preservation of the environment and resources to support the existing environment. Actually we have been able to feel its effect, but unfortunately, we still pay no attention to it. And flood then, is becoming one of the effect that frequently surge East Kalimantan. However, deforestation is not the only factor that causes flood, so, a comprehensive effort in treating flood is needed because factors that cause flood are inter-related one each other.  Keywords: banjir, deforestasi, Kalimantan Timu

    Investigating Organizational and Human Resource Capacity of Village Government: A Case Study in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    Indonesian Village Law No. 6/2014 mandates village to be a self-governing community and local self-government. Based on the law, village government conducts governmental administrative business, local development, fostering village societal, and empowering local people. To support the tasks, it is allowed to raise funds from various sources. This paper aims to investigate any problem and possible solutions to strengthen village capacity in order to achieve the village law vision. This research was conducted in Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Regency, Indonesia. It used a qualitative approach and the data were collected in several ways, i.e. focus group discussion, interview, secondary data, and observation. The study showed that village governments have no authority to design their own organizations, because the designs are prepared by central and local governments in detail. Moreover, lack of competence among village government staffs and financial dependency also make village governments rely on supports from central and local governments. It concludes that high intervene from upper governments make the village governments have limited room to manage their organizations. Secondly, policy disharmony among ministers also makes them in a dilemma about which one should be followed. Thirdly, various limited upon villages consequently makes them highly depend on supports, especially financial supports, from higher levels of government. Therefore, some actions need to be taken, such as reducing intervention, synchronizing policies among ministries, strengthening village organization and staffs, and optimizing the role of local government agency and stakeholders to take part in the village development process

    FENOMENA KEPEMIMPINAN FENOMENAL (The Phenomenon of Phenomenal Leadership)

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    Joko Widodo, Tri Rismaharini and Ridwan Kamil are three people whose names are shown frequently in mass media for their leaderships on their cities, Solo, Surabaya, and Bandung. Besides for showing that their leaderships has become the main factor in a positive change that exist in their regions, this study also want to give a portrait of how the change approach and leadership style that is applied in each cities. This study apply qualitative method through descriptive approach. Data was compiled from literature studies taken from books, journals, research, newspaper, bulletin, and others. The results of the study show that Jokowi and Emil have the same approach which is the combination of Rasional-Empiric and Normative-Reeducativeapproach. On the other hand, Risma uses NormativeReeducative and Environmental-Adaptive approach. In the aspect of Leadership style, three of them have applied transformational approach, but Emil combined it with Charismatic style. Although with litte difference, their approaches model and leadership styles havemade them a successfull leader with the highest achievements, who are ableto transform their cities to a better place to live in, that has many positive improvements by times within the framework ofthe embodiment ofbureaucratic reform. Keywords :leadership, change approach, phenomenal, leadership Joko Widodo, Tri Rismaharini dan Ridwan Kamil adalahtiga nama yang beberapa tahun belakangan ini namanya sering muncul dan menghiasi media berkat keberhasilan kepemimpinannya di Solo, Surabaya dan Bandung.Studi ini selain bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa faktor kepemimpinan mereka menjadi faktor utama dalam perubahan positif yang terjadi di daerah masing-masing, juga ingin memotret seperti apa pendekatan perubahan serta gaya kepemimpinan yang mereka gunakan di masing-masing daerah tersebut. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui pendekatan studi kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai bahan dari buku, jurnal, hasil penelitian, koran, bulletin, serta data dan informasi lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Jokowi dan Emil mempunyai model pendekatan yang sama yaitu gabungan antara pendekatan Rasional-Empiris dan Normatif-Reedukatif, sedangkan Risma menggunakan model pendekatan Normatif-Reedukatif dan Lingkungan-Adaptif. Untuk model kepemimpinan, ketiganya menganut gaya kepemi mpi nan t r ansf or masi onal , t etapi Emil memadukannya dengan gaya kepemimpinan karismatik. Meski ada sedikit perbedaan, namun model pendekatan dan gaya kepemimpinan tersebut menjadikan ketiganya sebagai pemimpin yang berhasil dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang paling tinggi, yang berhasil menjadikan daerahnya mengalami perubahan positif dari waktu ke waktu dalam kerangka perwujudan percepatan reformasi birokrasi. Kata Kunci : kepemimpinan, pendekatan perubahan, fenomenal, kepemimpina

    PENATAAN KELEMBAGAAN PADA DAERAH OTONOM BARU (DOB) (Studi Kasus di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara) (INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT IN NEW AUTONOMOUS REGION (Case Study in the North Kalimantan Province))

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    The possibility of the formation of New Autonomous Region (DOB) is still wide open, however the data shows that most of the DOB has poor performance. North Kalimantan Province is one of the DOB as the 34th province in Indonesia. Arrangement of Institutional structure became the most important stages before DOB can work in this transitional period. This papergives an overview stages the formation of the institutional structure in a transitional period, from East Kalimantan Province to the North Kalimantan Province, and also transitions, changes inlaws and regulations of Law No.32/2004 into Law No.23/2014 on Local Government. This study used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis approach. This paper concluded that the establishment of Institutional, in accordance with the potential and characteristics of the region can respond to the changing demands of internal and external organization of local government. Therefore, proper institutional arrangement will optimize the performance of the newly formed DOB. Keywords: New Aut onomous Regi on ( DOB) , Local Government , North Kalimantan Province Meskipun peluang terbentuknya Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB) masih ada, namun data menunjukkan bahwa sebagaian besar DOB memiliki kinerja yang buruk. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah tidak tepatnya pembentukan kelembagaan pada DOB, sehi ngga pada pr oses sel anj ut nya t i dak dapat member i kan performakinerja yang optimal. Provinsi Kalimantan Utara merupakan DOB Provinsi yang ke-34. Penataan Kelembagaan menjadi tahapan terpenting sebelum DOB dapat bekerja di masa transisi. Tulisan ini merupakan intisari dari hasil Kajian Penataan Kelembagaan di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif analisis, tulisan ini memberikan gambaran tahapan pembentukan kelembagaan di masa transisi dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Induk) ke Provinsi Kalimantan Utara (DOB), dan juga transisi perubahan peraturan perundangan dari UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 menjadi UU No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Tiga tahapan yang dilakukan dalam pembentukan kelembagaan di DOB Provinsi Kalimantan Utara dapat menjawab tuntutan perubahan internal dan eksternal organisasi pemerintahan daerah, sehingga akan mengoptimalkan kinerja DOB yang baru terbentuk. Kata Kunci: Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB), Pemerintah Daerah, Provinsi Kalimantan Utar


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    This study aims to identify the characteristic of bureaucratic reforms implemented by the government of Pontianak City. Some innovation has been successfully carried out in order to speed up public services, thus have an impact on increase of public confidence. The results of this study indicate that the role of strong leadership from the Mayor of Pontianak City (Sutarmidji) and public interaction factor becomes an important element in the implementation of bureaucratic reform in Pontianak. Furthermore, in the context of change management, in order to accelerate the bureaucratic reform in Pontianak, local government using power-coercive approach and normative-re-educative approach. Both of these approaches have succeeded in altering the face of Pontianak City bureaucracy becomes: serve the public better, providing excellent service, fast, cheap and even free, safe, easy, transparent, and fair. Keywords : bureaucratic reform, the government of Pontianak City Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukenali ciri khas reformasi birokrasi yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pontianak. Beberapa pembaharuan/inovasi telah berhasil dilakukan dalam rangka mempercepat pelayanan publik dan meningkatkan kepercayaan publik. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran kepemimpinan yang kuat dari Walikota Sutarmidji dan faktor interaksi publik dengan penyelenggara pemerintahan menjadi elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan reform di tubuh birokrasi Kota Pontianak. Adapun pendekatan manajemen perubahan yang diterapkan dalam rangka percepatan reformasi birokrasi di lokus penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kekuasaan-koersif dan pendekatan normatif-reedukatif. Kedua pendekatan ini telah berhasil mengubah wajah birokrasi Kota Pontianak menjadi lebih melayani publik, prima, cepat, murah dan bahkan gratis, aman, mudah, transparan, dan adil. Kata Kunci : Reformasi Birokrasi, Pemerintah Kota Pontiana